Take charge of your health and join us in our Freelancers' Health Jamboree organised by NTUC Freelancers and Self-Employed Unit (U FSE), in collaboration with Health Promotion Board (HPB)
Activities includes complimentary health screening*, health coaching, and talk by health professionals on workplace ergonomics, and is provided exclusively for freelancers and self-employed professionals! The health screening will measure your cholesterol and glucose level, as well as your blood pressure and body mass index. Fasting of 8 hours is required for health screening*. There will also be health coaches around to provide you with customised health tips based on your current health profile and lifestyle.
Date: 17 & 18 March 2021
Time: 9.30am - 1pm
Venue: Union Square Club, 2 Havelock Road, #02-04/05 Havelock II, Singapore 079027
Register now! HERE
Pre-register by 12 March (limited slots available due to capacity constraints)
Admission is strictly by pre-registration to ensure compliance with safe management measures.
*Health screening is complimentary for Singaporeans and PRs aged 40 and above. Interested Singaporeans and PRsaged below 40 can participate in our free health check (including measurement of blood pressure and body mass index) with customised individual health coaching.
MOH’s health screening recommendations:https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/403/abcs_of_health_screening
If you fall below the age of 40, you can pay for your health screening at ($25 per person). Payment are to be made by NETS, Credit Card and Grab Pay to Minmed Health Pte Ltd on site. No acceptance of cash due to COVID.